Data Migration Process: How Agencies Can Successfully Move Data to Modern Systems

Planning a data migration from on-premises to the cloud? There are a few ways to get a head start on the process. Begin to think about which staff will be involved, the timing of the move, and what critical infrastructure data you need to move and why. With the right analysis, you can begin to build out a roadmap for your shift to the cloud.

At Global Data Labs, we have worked on dozens of migrations, and we want to help you plan a smooth and fast transition to the cloud. Contact us today to begin your journey to off-premises computing.

4 ways AI helps business protect the environment

The world we live in is extremely complex. With so many moving parts, it can be difficult to know what steps to take to protect the environment, even for businesses with the best intentions.

Luckily, AI is giving us a way to understand our environmental impact holistically and in real time.

At Global Data Labs, we believe that AI can have a positive impact on more than just your bottom line. Contact us to learn more about how you can use AI to reduce your own impact on the environment.

Drive Business Continuity With SQL Server

Speedy-access to data is now a must-have in business. In this e-book, you’ll learn how you can drive anytime, anywhere access with Microsoft SQL Server and Azure. Global Data Labs is here to guide you to Microsoft integrated technology that’ll help your business run smoothly.

AI Business Basics

AI is about more than chatbots. Read this e-book to learn how AI can help transform your business in the areas that matter most–customer experience, operations, product innovation, just to name a few. Then let Global Data Labshelp you discover how Microsoft Azure AI can you take your business into the future.

Road to Data-Driven Decision Making

Big Data means nothing unless you have an effective way to leverage its insights. Watch this webinar to get four strategies for data-driven business growth. Then contact Global Data Labs to help you transform your business with Microsoft Azure Data Analytics.

Growing SQL Server

If you’re not running your database in the cloud, now’s the time. See how new Microsoft SQL Server 2017 features work in sync with Azure to provide the ultimate in accessibility, security and scalability. So, contact Global Data Labs to help you start leveraging this powerful combination for your business.

Move and Modernize Your Workloads with Azure

If you’re already using Microsoft solutions, see all the ways you’ll benefit by modernizing your workloads with Azure. Let Global Data Labs help you leverage your investment with the technology leader you trust.

Customer story: Australian National University pioneers the next generation of genomics research by moving to the cloud

For researchers at Australian National University, time is a limiting factor when it comes to analyzing genomic data. That’s why they migrated their on-premises infrastructure to the cloud. With the shift, they can increase the speed of their analysis and reduce the time it takes to analyze data, saving days of work and making research easier and faster than ever before.

At Global Data Labs, we have the industry experts you need to help plan your migration to the cloud and reduce your data analysis time. Contact us today to learn how our experienced team can help.

Customer story: SilviaTerra maps the future of forests with Microsoft AI

Analyzing data has given us a better understanding of everything from consumer behavior to production efficiencies. In short, data helps us manage and direct our resources in the most efficient and effective ways possible.

What if we applied this same strategy to our forests? While they may not be made up of code, AI technology is allowing us to track and understand our forests and other natural resources like never before. With this understanding comes the same opportunity for more efficient management.

Check out this video to learn more about the incredible impact SilviaTerra is already having on one Pennsylvanian watershed.

Cloud Usage Increasing as Multi-Cloud Gains Traction

So many decisions go into creating a cloud environment. Read this article to help understand cloud options and decide whether a multi-cloud platform is right for you. Then contact Global Data Labs so we can help you define the right cloud architecture, powered by Microsoft Azure, for your organization.