PCL Construction LLC

PCL Construction LLC is a 110-year-old company focused on building industrial structures. To remain relevant, they needed to embrace digital change. When constructing the Stantec Tower, the largest building outside of Toronto in Canada, the company employed a suite of sensors that sent live feedback so they could monitor progress without having to visit the 483 units under construction.

You have access to the same set of capabilities as PCL. At Global Data Labs, we can help you leverage your IoT devices to drive transformation within your business. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

Data Governance for GDPR Compliance: Principles, Processes, and Practices

As the amount of data you use increases, so do the demands on your business to be compliant with regulations. At Global Data Labs, we know finding, keeping, and protecting data is a time-consuming endeavor, and we want to help you minimize it.

GDPR, and security and privacy concerns are changing the business landscape. Microsoft products and services can help you to address these challenges. Microsoft cloud services empower you to find relevant information quickly and make informed decisions with AI and automation.

Global Data Labs wants to help you secure the data that needs protecting. Contact us for more information.

3 steps to accelerate GDPR compliance in your organization

GDPR compliance can be a difficult endeavor. That’s why, at Global Data Labs, we want to make sure you have the tools you need to be compliant with the new GDPR standards.

Microsoft 365 brings together the best of Windows 10, Office 365, and Enterprise Mobility + Security to help secure and manage data. With Microsoft, you can assess and manage your compliance risk, protect your most important data, and streamline your reporting processes to help you collaborate between teams.

At Global Data Labs, we want to help you maximize your Microsoft tools so that you can operate your business freely without interruption. Contact us for more information.

Discover the benefits of modernization and save with Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Ready to make the move to the cloud? When it comes to choosing a PaaS cloud provider, you shouldn’t have to choose between price and quality.

Azure SQL Database Managed Instance offers innovative Machine Learning-based performance and security insights and unparalleled support while still saving your business 59% compared to AWS RDS. That’s cash you can reinvest in your business to bring more value to your customers.

To learn more about specific offerings and benefits, check out this infographic or contact us. At Global Data Labs, we want to help your business realize all the advantages of the cloud.

Data is more complex than ever. Transform data into insights with SQL Server 2019

90% of all data was generated in the last two years, yet modern-day companies struggle to make sense of it. With increased analytic insights, you can unlock answers for your organization to grow. But transforming data into insights isn’t always easy. There are hundreds of database types out there and transferring information between them can get complicated.

At Global Data Labs, we specialize in helping businesses uncover insights. Contact us today to learn about our unique approach to helping companies make the most of their IT.